If you are being physically, mentally or sexually abused by someone you live with, or are being threatened by them, that is domestic abuse or violence.
A national 24-hour helpline (0808 2000 247) operated by Women's Aid and Refuge is now available to anyone who is suffering domestic abuse. There is also a Male Advice and Enquiry Helpline for men experiencing domestic abuse (Mens Advice Line: 0808 801 0327). In an emergency, always call the police by dialling 999.
The Government defines domestic violence as "Any incident of threatening behaviour, violence or abuse (psychological, physical, sexual, financial or emotional) between adults who are or have been intimate partners or family members, regardless of gender or sexuality".
Where a partner or spouse has suffered actual violence or harassment, the court can make an Order. The Order may require a person not to use or threaten violence against the other partner, to leave the home and not go back, or to keep away from the neighbourhood. The actual terms of the Order will vary according to the situation.
Protection from domestic violence is available to all couples (and their children) living together as 'man and wife' or same-sex partners, regardless of whether or not they are married. Many kinds of domestic abuse are criminal offences. The police take all domestic violence very seriously. Most forces have specially trained, experienced officers who will listen and speak to a victim separately from their partner. Women can ask to be seen by a female officer. The police can, if asked, arrange medical aid, transport and a place of safety. Their first priorities are the victim's safety and well-being and, if applicable, the safety and well-being of their children.
Throughout this Guide, we have dealt with the importance of both parties having access to their children but there are instances where remaining in contact with a violent or abusive parent is not in the child's best interests, especially if they regularly witness or experience harmful conflicts firsthand. While losing contact with a parent can be devastating, the non-abusive parent may have to take legal steps to prevent contact until safeguards can be put in place to ensure your child does not experience violence in the future.
The Children
Counselling Advice
Divorce or Dissolution
Financial Issues
Domestic Violence
Useful Contacts/Organisations
Splitting Up when Living Together
Rights of Grandparents
Collaborative Family Law
Definition of terms Used
Taking Children Abroad