In a collaborative process, the emphasis is on both parties and their lawyers meeting face-to-face and working together to resolve disputes. The aim is to promote the long-term interests of both partners and to help couples work towards an agreed settlement without going to court.
Each partner will hire their own specially trained collaborative lawyer. Both partners and their lawyers take part in meetings together to negotiate the best outcome for all. Emphasis is placed on the well-being of any children.
You will also have the opportunity to work with an independent financial adviser or accountant, a family consultant and a child specialist. You and your team will sign an agreement that commits you both to trying to resolve all issues without the need to go to court.
To succeed, collaborative law practice requires good faith on all sides and can provide a quicker route to achieving an agreement. Negotiated settlements can then be formalised into a legally binding agreement or court order.
The collaborative approach allows you to benefit from expert legal advice without the threat of court action during negotiations and keeps open channels of communication between partners.
One of the benefits of collaborative practice is that it isn’t driven by a court imposed timetable and can be built around your family’s individual needs.
For further information visit or your local collaborative law group.
The Children
Counselling Advice
Divorce or Dissolution
Financial Issues
Domestic Violence
Useful Contacts/Organisations
Splitting Up when Living Together
Rights of Grandparents
Collaborative Family Law
Definition of terms Used
Taking Children Abroad