Sheltered Housing may be an ideal compromise between living in your own home and moving to a care home, as you would be able to retain your independence by living in a self-contained flat but have the added reassurance of an alarm system and warden or scheme manager to help you in the event of an emergency.
Different types of sheltered housing are available and should be explored thoroughly. Some schemes provide communal areas and group activities while others - known as 'extra care' or 'very sheltered housing' - are able to assist with meals and personal care. Retirement or Sheltered Housing may be available to rent or purchase through a Housing Association, for example.
If you are considering sheltered housing as a solution to your situation, you might want to ask yourself the following questions:
Organisations such as Age UK and the Elderly Accommodation Counsel will be able to give you detailed information about finding sheltered housing developments in your area, as well as tenancy and mortgage agreements and paying for your new home.
Coping with the weather
Care in your own home
Help for Disabled People at Home
Retirement housing and sheltered housing
Finding a care home
Legal and financial matters for the elderly
The Cinammon Trust
Useful Contacts/Organisations