This guide has been produced providing useful and informative information in the procedures of making a Will, safeguarding your beneficiaries, why a Will should be made, Executors and Guardian Protections, Special Types of Wills, Powers of Attorney, Trusts, Changing a Will and where to keep your Will and also provides information how to plan for your own Funeral.
The guide also has a useful contact list which offers assistance in making any further enquiries the reader may have about making a Will.
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The information provided is in relation to England. Information relating to Scotland and Wales may have a variance. You can gain a copy of these publications for Scotland and Wales to gain information.
Order Free of Charge Literature
Executors and Guardians
Financial Considerations When Making a Will
How to make a Will?
Inheritance Tax
Lasting Power of Attorney
Organ Donations, End of Life and Hospice Care
Planning Your Funeral
Special Types of Wills
Useful Contacts/Organisations
What happens if I die Intestate?
Where Should I Keep my Will?
Why make a Will?